Course Curriculum

12 Sessions

    1. Step Up: The Need for Leaders

    2. Raise Up: Being Trained to Lead

    3. Character over Charisma

    4. Toughen Up: The Need for Strong Leaders

    5. Speak Up: Silent Sometimes - Michelle Cameron

    6. Team Up: Working Together - The Roles of Evangelist, Elder and Deacon

    7. Watch Out: Pitfalls for Leaders (Women)

    8. Friends not Foes: Relational Leadership

    9. Spiritual Development Quiz

    1. Genesis Part 1

    2. Genesis Part 2

    3. Exodus Part 1

    4. Exodus Part 2

    5. Leviticus

    6. Old Testament Survey and Theology Quiz

    1. Prepared to Answer: Atheism and Agnosticism - Justin Renton

    2. Prepared to Answer: Were Jesus and Paul Misogynists? - Michelle Cameron

    3. Prepared to Answer: The Reliability of the Bible - Steven Darvodelsky

    4. Prepared to Answer: 'Woke' Ideologies - William Thorne

    5. Prepared to Answer: Tips and Tricks - Sam Cameron

    6. Prepared to Answer: Short Answer Assessment

    1. Church History and Doctrine Overview

    2. Catholicism

    3. Reformation

    4. Evangelicalism

    5. Pentecostalism

    6. Women in Church History

    7. Restoration

    8. Additional Resources

Ministry Training Program

  • Lessons and Workshops
  • Quizzes and Assignments
  • Obtain a Certificate of Ministry